If you, like many Americans, have past due debts, your creditors may try to collect the money you owe on their own or hand the debt over to a debt collector or debt collection agency. While instances of collector harassment continue to take place even now, the Fair...
In some sense, a debt lawsuit gets underway once you receive a summons from a court. This basically notifies you that a creditor is suing you, and also informs you of the reason. While dealing with debt collection summons might seem daunting to most, know that there...
There has been enough chatter in the financial world about an impending recession over the last year, and it only continues to get louder. Besides, some experts are of the opinion that the country is already going through a recession, and all one can wait for is an...
Baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) are no strangers to carrying debt. Pushy debt collectors, on the other hand, try to take advantage of different factors when collecting from people of this generation. Consequently, it comes as no surprises that an increasing...
The fact that scores of Americans are in debt should come as no surprise, given that most people use credit cards to fund purchases, auto loans to purchase cars, student loans to pursue education, and mortgages to become homeowners. If you think that baby boomers are...