If you, like many Americans, have past due debts, your creditors may try to collect the money you owe on their own or hand the debt over to a debt collector or debt collection agency. While instances of collector harassment continue to take place even now, the Fair...
Debt Relief
A Guide to Dealing With Debt Collection Summons
Debt Collection, Debt Relief, Debt Validation
In some sense, a debt lawsuit gets underway once you receive a summons from a court. This basically notifies you that a creditor is suing you, and also informs you of the reason. While dealing with debt collection summons might seem daunting to most, know that there...
How to Deal With Debt as a Couple? – A Guide
It’s fairly common for one or both partners to bring debt into a marriage, and in some cases, the amount can be significant. There is no surefire way to tell what effect debt might have on a relationship going forward, with some couples addressing it together and...
Dealing With Debt During a Recession
There has been enough chatter in the financial world about an impending recession over the last year, and it only continues to get louder. Besides, some experts are of the opinion that the country is already going through a recession, and all one can wait for is an...
Where Does Debt Relief Stand In the Ongoing COVID-19 Crisis?
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the country’s unemployment rate to rise to 14.7% in April last year. It dropped to 6% by June 2021, but this figure still remains noticeably higher than the pre-pandemic 3.5%. Fortunately, federal and state governments as well as...
6 Tips to Avoid Bankruptcy
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that it does not take long for finances to go south. Fortunately, this has not reflected on the number of bankruptcies filed over the course of 2020. While 774,940 bankruptcy cases were filed in 2019, the number fell to 544,463 in 2020...
Top Reasons Why Baby Boomers Are in Debt
Baby Boomers, Bankruptcy, Debt Relief
Baby boomers across the U.S. carry significant debt. However, according to statistics released by Ameriprise Financial, less than half of them prioritize paying down their debt. In addition, more than 30% boomers who’ve retired carry at least one debt in addition to...
Why Is There a Rise in Bankruptcy Among Baby Boomers?
Baby Boomers, Bankruptcy, Debt Collection, Debt Relief
The number of baby boomers who file for bankruptcy has increased significantly in the last three decades. Only around 2% of all elders in the U.S. filed for bankruptcy in 1991, and the number stands at around 12% now. While bankruptcy can give people a fresh start if...
Is Debt Relief a Better Alternative Than Bankruptcy?
If you are immersed in debt that you are unable to repay, it’s time to take a look at measures that can help get your financial life back on track again. In many such situations, it is common for people to find relief either through debt relief or bankruptcy. If you...
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All You Need to Know About the New Student Loan Forgiveness Plan
On August 24, 2022, President Biden passed an executive order that remains subject to debate. He announced that millions of people would benefit through federal student loan waivers of up to $20,000. However, you need to meet a few criteria to qualify. For instance,...
What Debt Collectors Can Do Legally and What They Can’t
If you, like many Americans, have past due debts, your creditors may try to collect the money you owe on their own or hand the debt over to a debt collector or debt collection agency. While instances of collector harassment continue to take place even now, the Fair...
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